Herbert uses worms analogy to highlight Sabah's scenario
19 April, 2006
KADAMAIAN Assemblyman Herbert Timbun Lagadan has called for the revival of the All Party Committee on Illegal Immigrants at the State Legislative Assembly level.
He said the committee was set up a few years ago with the intention to look at the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah but has remained dormant. Herbert told a story of three worms to illustrate his point.
"There were three worms which agreed to walk in one line to go to their destination. After a while they decided to take a rest when the first worm blamed the second for delaying the group.
"However, the second worm denied this as it said there was one worm in front and another behind. Upon hearing this the third worm argued that it has two worms in front," he said.
"Because of the argument, the worms did not continue their journey, and in the heat of the argument, a bird came and ate all of them, he said.
Herbert referred to a Daily Express report quoting Suhakam Commissioner Prof. Datuk Hamdan Adnan cautioning against a possible reverse takeover of Sabah if the illegal immigrant issue was not addressed properly.
"Is it necessary for the people of Sabah to keep on arguing about the illegal immigrant problem and end up like the three worms in the story just now," he asked.
He said BN leaders in Sabah should discuss the problems together.
He also said that lately incidents had been sensationalised by certain quarters that only disrupted the people's harmony.
"Although the BN controlled about 99.9 per cent of the State Legislative Assembly, this could affect the BN's chances in the next election," he said, adding that those championing the issue wanted to become heroes for short-term gain.
"I believe the State BN Chairman's door is wide open to talk with them as there is no use to go on a war of words in the newspapers. The ones who will gain are the newspaper towkays as the newspapers will be sold out," he said.
On another note, Herbert lamented that he had been facing criticisms and "insults", among them, labelling him as "YB Botak" (bald YB), YB Bodoh (stupid YB) due to insufficient infrastructure in his constituency.
"They say look at YB (Herbert), his bald head is smooth unlike the road (in his constituency). I don't know whether I should get angry or not because it is true. When it rains you would think the road is a river.
"Then there were also visitors who travelled on the bad road to go to the handicraft centre in my area asking the local folk whether their elected representative is already dead," he said.
Herbert said he did ask the relevant agencies but was told that there was no funding. "So, if there is anybody here who sympathises with me. Please help lah," he said, again drawing laughter from the House.
He also called on the relevant authorities to ensure the water catchment area in Kadamaian remains protected.
"One Forestry officer called me a stupid YB for not allowing logging at the area. What is the use of protecting an area which has no more trees on itŠ believe if the water catchment area in Kadamaian is protected, Kota Belud will never have to face problems like in Kudat and Kota Marudu," he said. When suggested that he report the name of the Forestry officer who called him stupid, Herbert said he was still in the right frame of mind and that the officer concerned had a family to look after.
"How will he look after his family if he were to be sacked if I report thisªut I think the officer concerned will sooner or later understand the rationale behind this," he said.
Meanwhile, Herbert urged the government to formulate a law that penalises scrap iron factory operators who buy stolen items such as telephone and electricity cables as well as bullet shells.
He also called on the Camp Paradise management to fence up the firing range areas to prevent kampung folk from venturing into it to look for bullet shells.
"There are also those looking for live bullet shells because they want to get the gun powder for fish bombing," he said.
- Note: Walaupun ini cerita lama, saya savekan diruangan ini kerana ianya mempunyai nilai-nilai lawak klasik yang memang menusuk-nusuk keserlaannya. Saya akan usahakan versi Bahasa Malaysia untuk tatapan sama rata. Ini janji Borneo Warrior. Bukan janji penjajah.
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